EverMAS Tourism Group
You open your mail and find a glossy brochure with two scratchies from EverMAS Tourism Group to celebrate their 30 year anniversary. Although one of the scratch cards is a loser, the other declares you to be a winner of a second prize of US$130,000.
This has been a common story across Western Australia over the last month (August 2010) with about 70 phone calls from people who’ve received this fraudulent offer and two unfortunate victims who each lost $3,700.
EverMAS Tourism Group is a bogus company and despite its claims of 30 years in the travel industry the very professional looking website was only registered in July 2010. When a consumer called the building where EverMAS claims to be based, the concierge had never heard of them.
They’re not the only things that don’t add up. There are multiple second prize winners who have come forward to report the scam and it seems the serial numbers on their scratch cards are all identical. Yet the promotion says that there is only one of each prize available.
The two separate women who have fallen for this scam each sent about $3,700 via wire transfer to a person claiming to be in Malaysia because they believed the money would be used to process payment of US$130,000.
EverMAS Tourism Group also asks for secure personal details including copies of a “winner’s” passport, birth certificate and driver’s licence. This adds potential identity theft to the unfortunate reality that anyone who sends thousands of dollars to Malaysia as requested will not get a prize in return. As wire transfers are untraceable they will have lost their money.
WA ScamNet is working with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to try to track down the scammers behind these letters, scratchies and the associated website. A similar version has been seen over East under the name Aviats Travel.