Scratchie scams take the form of fake scratchie cards that promise some sort of prize, on the condition that the ‘winner’ pays a collection fee.
How this scam works
Scratchie cards are sometimes used in promotions, lotteries or competitions, beckoning users to ‘scratch and win an instant prize’, for example travel or holidays. While some scratchie cards may represent legitimate lotteries or competitions, you should be extremely suspicious of any scratchie card that requires a payment to claim a prize.
Scratchie scams will offer you an instant prize, but when you contact the trader to claim it, you will be asked to provide payment for various ‘fees’ via wire transfer or preloaded money card. The scammer may request bank details and photo identification. In some rare cases you may be asked to travel overseas to collect your winnings.
The scam package may include professional-looking brochures, which are designed to trick you into thinking the competition is legitimate. It may include contact details for a business overseas and a web address for a fraudulent but professional-looking website.
The up-front payment requested can be as high as a few thousand dollars. If you pay, you will not receive the prize, and you will never see your money again. If you provide your personal details, they may be used for further fraudulent activity such as identity crime.
List of Scams
Travel Scratchie Scams
Read More...WA ScamNet is advising consumers to be on the lookout for a scratchie scam sent to their letterbox. We advise not to respond as you will not receive any prize money. Do not send any financial or personal information as it could be used in identity theft scams.
Greenery Tourism
Read More...Greenery Holiday out of Malaysia have rebranded in an attempt to scam again.
VMac Holiday Group
Read More...A glossy travel brochure is being posted to WA homes and containing fake lottery scratchie tickets Consumers are warned not to respond to the latest travel scam, this time from the VMac Holiday Group from Malaysia, as it is an advance fee fraud.
Malaysia Starize Travelling Group
Read More...You’ve just won 150,000 US dollars! It is second prize in a lottery being conducted by the Malaysian Starize Travelling Group as a promotion, and joy of joys, your “scratchie” has turned up trumps. But then, so has everyone else who has contacted WA ScamNet about the eight page glossy travel brochure with its accompanying lucky lottery ticket inside.