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A big pile of Australian $100 notesThis pint sized scam has a pretty big punch!   This small slip of paper looks like an official parcel delivery document but it is nothing more than a scam.

Deluxe, apparently from Holland, have sent you an “EXTREMELY IMPORTANT” notice regarding a “valuable package with many articles” supposedly valued at more than AUS$90.

It appears that this slip is your last notification, even though you probably never received the first or second notice and you only have nine (9) days to claim your parcel.

The delivery looks to be prepaid to your address but for some reason you need to pay AUS$39.95 to receive it. If it is prepaid why do you need to send them money?

The parcel contains “precious gems, Hi-Fi/video and objects of value”.  I wonder if it is an infomercial style DVD to tell you how to impress your friends with your new piece of junk jewellery!  And even if it is worth 5 cents it could still be construed as an object of value.  Beware!

If you ‘google’ Deluxe and Holland there are no results for the parcel warehouse but a lovely tourist site promoting Holland.