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Adam and Evelyn

35-year-old ‘Adam’ was single and decided to use a dating website: Hear his story: part 1
two red love hearts with computer mouse
He met someone claiming to “Evelyn from Ghana”: Hear his story: part 2

He sent her $70,000 over two years but how did the requests for money begin? Hear his story: part 3

He’d been accusing her of lying for some time, especially after she failed to turn up at Perth airport when he sent her the airfare. BUT she came up with all sorts of excuses. Getting a letter from Operation Sunbird  helped him see the light: Hear his story: part 4

What’s his message to others looking for love via dating websites? Hear his story: part 5

‘Adam’ now realises there is no Evelyn – it’s an alias created by a gang of organised criminals: Hear his story: part 6