A door-to-door fundraising scam in Perth is using The Smith Family's name.
Anita Bowyer, General Manager for The Smith Family WA, said they had received a number of calls from concerned members of the public in the north-west metro area who had been approached and asked for donations for ‘KickStartKids’, with reference to The Smith Family as a partner.
“We can confirm that we are not affiliated with any organisation called ‘KickStartKids’ and have not been conducting any door-to-door fundraising in Perth since May 2014.”
“It is incredibly concerning for us to hear that these scammers are capitalising on others' misfortune, and are diverting funds away from those with legitimate need,” she said.
Anyone who is door knocked by someone claiming to be collecting cash donations using The Smith Family name is advised to politely decline and contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or www.wa.crimestoppers.com.au
Consumer Protection produces and regularly updates the register of licenced charities in Western Australia.