Northwest WA Business Directory/Southwest WA Business Directory
Small business proprietors reported receiving unsolicited telephone calls to renew their listing in the Northwest WA Business Directory or the Southwest WA Business Directory.
Businesses then received a package that included an invoice for $324.50 and 2 computer disks asking them to copy the disks and pass them to other businesses interested in the directory.
Many businesses allege that they had not agreed to advertise in any directory before receiving this demand for payment.
Internet company WWW Business Search Pty Ltd and its managing director, Sandor Kranicz of Station Road Seven Hills in NSW, are allegedly behind the scheme.
In July 2005, the Queensland Office of Fair Trading also warned small businesses to be wary of WWW Business Search Pty Ltd and Mr Kranicz.
Bogus publications and false billing scams plague small businesses and community groups who often do not have the same rigorous purchasing and bill paying protections in place as bigger organisations.