Award Distribution Independent Committee (ADIC)
Everyone needs a Mr Smith in their life who is prepared to give them $5,070 every month for ten months for what appears to be very little effort.
WA ScamNet believes the Blacktacos Marketing Company is behind this latest scam involving the very generous Mr Smith who has set up a “Savings Investment Allowance” for the recipient who must claim the money. And the first cheque is ready to be sent now!
The good news is conveyed in a letter from the “Award Distribution Independent Committee (ADIC)” headed by Klaus Holle from Holland.
In the letter, it tells the recipient: “It seems that Mr Smith knows you; he knows quite a lot about you!” Spooky!
Mr Smith (not his real name of course) is a multi-billionaire and one of the many rich and very influential clients of the ADIC, according to the letter.
To claim this money, the recipient needs to agree to keep the allowance a secret and fill out a form and send it back to a post office box in Kerkdriel, Holland, in a return envelope.
But wait – there’s more! For a “symbolic” amount of $60, the lucky recipient can get the winning numbers of some of the biggest lotteries in their country because the amazing Mr Smith is one of only four people in the world to know the secret numbers in advance.
He wants to share his good fortune because “Mr Smith wishes for nothing more than the happiness of others.”
To prove his powers, the letter claims Mr Smith entered a lottery in France recently and won $2.5 million – but it was never claimed because Mr Smith is so rich he doesn’t need the money. He just wanted to prove to everyone he could do it.
The letter also states: “These special people have the power to know about and to be players in exclusive financial arenas.”
The truth behind this scam is in the fine print: “this game is an attractively presented commercial promotion with a main aim of promoting the method The Assurance of Amazing Cash Winnings.”
Our advice – steer clear of this latest offering.