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Foundation Mondiale d'Attribution des Gros Gains
This is one of the scams doing the rounds at the moment.
So what’s the trick?
Lots actually. Where do we start...?
As usual, we start with the fine print.
Firstly, you are DEFINITELY not a person to IMMEDIATELY receive a CHECK for $30,000.
You have to send $60.00 to cover administration and delivery.
Surely if you had won $30,000 they could take the $60.00 off and send you the remainder?
The prizes stated in the small print are a check for $30,000 or a jewel of great value!
Jewel? Where did that one come from?
It’s a sweepstake draw and you have been put in the draw with millions of others.
What happened to 'IMMEDIATELY'?
Your name, address and photographs can be used for publicity linked to this game
Yes, you could be used to publicise other scams. How do you feel about that?