Premium Awards Office
PLEASE NOTE: A cheque for $3837.62 in favour of [you] or premium is ready for immediate delivery. Please read this Delivery Advice Notice for further details.
The letter from Allotment Supervisor, Lynda Watson, said the exact same thing to all 18 WA ScamNet contributors who forwarded their copies to our office this month. She makes a big point of the fact that this "is NOT in respect of a prize draw, sweepstakes or lottery". According to the "Terms and Conditions" this letter relates to an offer conducted for profit that is "designed to introduce and interest selected people to the further offers and items available from the sponsor".
When all is said and done, and you've sent your money to the Premium Awards Office, what are you likely to get...? Well the "Terms and Conditions" suggest that you're most likely to get either leather goods or jewellery "with a retail value of at least $50" rather than a cheque for $3837.62 (as there is a one in 1,000,000 chance of receiving this)...and you can rest assured they'll be sending you more of the same sort of "promotional" material soon...!
Why can't this "sponsor" simply advertise their "offers and items" to Western Australian consumers like yourselves the way the vast majority of legitimate traders do...? We'll ask them on your behalf...