Prize Power Promotions
Your entry in a recent mail competition was judged to be one hundred percent correct in terms of Rule and Regulations governing the award of prizes. Now, therefore, [recipient], the Adjudication Committee is pleased to notify you of your confirmed and guaranteed eligibility for the brand new motor vehicle as specified in the Confirmation Notice above or a cash alternative of no less than $22,000.000...
...[t]he new car specified in the above confirmation notice or its cash equivalent is fully guaranteed and, in terms of the Official Rules and Regulations it must be awarded to you when you singularly solve the final tiebreaker in this exciting multi-tier skill puzzle contest."
So all you have to do to win the car, if there actually is one, is be the only entrant to successfully solve the "tiebreaker puzzle" and send your form back to Prize Power Promotions with the $39.95 processing fee. Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it?
It is, and so is the Tiebreaker puzzle, which means that if you enter you're unlikely to be the only correct entry.
And as always, the promoters take the time in the Official Rules to tell you that they may publish different versions of this same offer, using different fees and graphical presentations, so even if you're canny enought to ignore it the first time, they'll try to catch you next time.
So stay sharp. Don't fall into the trap of sending your hard earned cash in the hope that you will receive a new car or a massive cash payout just by solving a simple puzzle, and always remember:
...if it looks too good to be true, it probably is...!