International Assurance Guaranty
Winning a brand new Range Rover valued at $110,800 as a prize is certainly fantastic news – if it were true! The vehicle, or its cash equivalent, is being offered in the latest lottery prize scam circulating by mail.
The company, trading as International Assurance & Guaranty from Richmond, Canada, has sent out professional-looking Certificates of Vehicle Transfer with the recipient’s name and address on it.
The covering letter says it’s all part of an “international consumer marketing endeavour” but there’s another agenda behind this unbelievable offer.
For a $60 fee the recipient can expedite the return of their ‘prize’ by purchasing a piece of designer jewellery in the form of a “genuine” ruby and diamond pendant. We will leave it to you to guess the true value of this offer.
A form must be filled out and the remittance by cash, cheque, postal order or credit card sent back in a supplied return envelope to a post office box in Canada. The recipient can choose whether to take the car or the cash.
However, to win the grand prize the form number has to match the pre-selected winning number.
Then there’s the fine print, which says: “chances of winning the grand prize are one in 300 million. A prize of one million dollars is guaranteed to be awarded to the grand prize winner. If winning number is not matched, the grand prize will not be awarded.”
The fine print also states: “All respondents will receive a cash prize of at least 50 US cents.”
Clearly, this is a scam designed to sell worthless jewellery in an “everybody wins” pre-draw competition.